Whirlpool Corporation and Habitat for Humanity Continue BuildBetter with Whirlpool Program

Habitat for Humanity International recently announced that Whirlpool Foundation has renewed its support for the BuildBetter with Whirlpool program. Over the next two years, the Foundation will allocate $2.5M to help the global housing nonprofit construct stronger, more energy-efficient homes that are responsive to changing climate conditions and increasing climate hazards. In the next evolution of the program, 50 net-zero-energy-ready homes will be built bringing energy efficiency and cost savings to homeowners.
The BuildBetter with Whirlpool program, launched by Habitat for Humanity and Whirlpool Corporation in June 2021, started as a three-phase initiative expanding upon Habitat’s current efforts to help homeowners mitigate the impact of climate change with more energy-efficient and climate resilient homes. The initiative also aims to produce a long-term reduction in operating costs for homeowners through an expected improvement in energy efficiency of up to 45% compared to homes built to current local government code. Dollars saved on water and energy bills can be used to help with the cost of food, medical expenses and other household expenses or as savings for the future.
“We are thrilled to continue our work with Habitat on the BuildBetter with Whirlpool program. We’re learning from the data collected to date and evolving the program to build homes that are even more efficient in the next two years. This project truly demonstrates that creating energy efficient homes isn’t just for the luxury market.”
“We are thrilled to continue our work with Habitat on the BuildBetter with Whirlpool program,” said Pam Klyn, executive vice president for corporate relations and sustainability for Whirlpool Corporation. “We’re learning from the data collected to date and evolving the program to build homes that are even more efficient in the next two years. This project truly demonstrates that creating energy efficient homes isn’t just for the luxury market.”
The first commitment of the BuildBetter with Whirlpool program, which launched in 2021 and will be completed later this year, encouraged local Habitat affiliates to build above local code to meet higher energy and resilience standards. It also focused on research and collaboration to establish a more accurate baseline to measure sustainable building standards across the construction industry. By the end of 2024, more than 260 energy efficient and climate resilient homes will be constructed across the U.S., resulting in an average 45 percent predicted energy cost savings per family, as well as a 15 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per home. The second commitment of the initiative will begin in early 2025.
“Whirlpool Corporation has been an instrumental partner in helping us improve and broaden the ways we can help more families achieve housing stability,” said Charlita Stephens-Walker, vice president of corporate partnerships and cause marketing at Habitat for Humanity International. “Through the BuildBetter with Whirlpool program, we have been able to build more resilient and energy-efficient homes, helping families reduce their carbon footprint as well as lessen their housing costs. We are proud to continue this work with Whirlpool and we are grateful for their dedication to ensure everyone has a safe and decent place to live.”
For more than 25 years, Habitat for Humanity International and Whirlpool Corporation have worked together to improve and broaden the ways the global housing organization can help more families achieve housing stability. Over the lifetime of the relationship, Whirlpool has given more than $140 million in funding and donated products supporting nearly 200,000 Habitat households in the U.S. and close to 1 million people in more than 50 countries worldwide. The company has also supported other initiatives including Habitat’s global housing forums, the Cost of Home national advocacy campaign, and the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project.