Whirlpool Corp. sponsors forward-thinking approaches, improving life at home through housing innovation

Habitat for Humanity's two men in India discussing housing innovation Habitat for Humanity's two men in India discussing housing innovation

Habitat for Humanity’s Innovation Awards recognize global innovators developing solutions to advance affordable housing

“Whirlpool has partnered with Habitat for more than 22 years to help improve and broaden the ways that people around the world can achieve housing stability,” says Deb O’Connor, director of corporate reputation and community relations for Whirlpool Corporation. “We believe innovative solutions are the way forward, and that’s why it’s important to us that our support of Habitat includes shining a spotlight on those who are developing forward-thinking approaches.”

Read more about Habitat for Humanity’s Innovation Awards, announced during Habitat’s global housing forums.

Habitat for Humanity Innovation Award: an outdoor classroom in Colombia Habitat for Humanity Innovation Award: an outdoor classroom in Colombia
Habitat for Humaniy's Innovation Awards: an outdoor classroom in Colombia Habitat for Humaniy's Innovation Awards: an outdoor classroom in Colombia
A resident of India's coastal community, benefiting from aRaksha Social Impact Trust, an innovation award winner of Habitat for Humanity's Innovation Award A resident of India's coastal community, benefiting from aRaksha Social Impact Trust, an innovation award winner of Habitat for Humanity's Innovation Award
Habitat for Humanity's innovation award winner, a roofing solution in India Habitat for Humanity's innovation award winner, a roofing solution in India

To learn more about Whirlpool Corporation’s collaboration with Habitat for Humanity to expand climate-resilient construction across the U.S. click here.