Global Labor and Employment Guidelines
Each Whirlpool operating unit throughout the world is required to follow consistent principles relative to labor and employment practices.
Labor Laws:
Whirlpool Corporation operates in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations concerning labor issues in each of the countries in which it conducts business.
Fair Compensation and Employment Conditions:
Whirlpool Corporation deals with employees fairly and honestly, and with concern for our employees’ safety and well being. We pay workers at least the minimum compensation required by local law and provide all legally mandated benefits.
Safe Work Place:
Whirlpool Corporation provides a clean, healthy, safe and secure work place for all its employees and contractors.
Whirlpool Corporation communicates with its employees and whenever possible, partners with them to achieve desirable competitive outcomes.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity:
Whirlpool Corporation values diversity and treats individuals with fairness and equity. We assure equal employment and advancement opportunities for all qualified people. Whirlpool ensures that employment—including hiring, payment, benefits, advancement, termination and retirement—is based on ability and not on beliefs or any other personal characteristics.
Whirlpool treats all workers with respect and dignity, and will not tolerate abuse, corporal punishment, and/or harassment of employees, including physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment.
Personal Development:
Whirlpool Corporation is committed to promoting the personal development and dignity of each employee.
Freedom of Association:
Whirlpool Corporation respects the right of employees to join or not join an independent trade union and will bargain in good faith with these associations when they are properly elected.
Forced Labor:
Whirlpool Corporation does not accept or condone any aspect of forced labor, including indentured, bonded or prison labor.
Child Labor:
Whirlpool Corporation adheres to and strictly enforces child labor laws.
Women’s Rights:
Whirlpool ensures women workers receive equal treatment in all aspects of employment.
Whirlpool seeks to ensure that its suppliers observe similar standards in their relations with their employees and their own suppliers.