Our Approach
Our Design for Environment (DfE) program serves the products piece of our sustainability approach. Designing and building high-performance goods and services that take less from the Earth requires a deep understanding of the materials and components that make up our products. Transparency has been, and continues to be, a key pillar of the DfE strategy.
Product design teams are guided by our Product Attribute Leadership Scorecard (PALS), which incorporates resource-efficiency attributes into the planning and product design phase. Additionally, the global Critical Materials Management (CMM) team coordinates and monitors our Restricted Material List. Suppliers are required to adhere to our Restricted Material List and report on banned, restricted and monitored substances of concern. The list is updated annually to reflect new legislation and customer requirements and woven into all supplier contracts and approval processes.
Packaging also plays a vital role in delivering quality products to consumers’ homes, but it can quickly become “waste” immediately upon delivery.
We are working to change this through comprehensive design, education, supply chain solutions, and thoughtful material selection.