New tools and systems improve sustainability decision making
We launched the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management System (GEMS) in 2018 to determine our global emissions footprint in all regions and models for products in use. GEMS combines over 12 unique systems into one data source that is able to track data from a baseline year of 2016. GEMS uses the energy and water consumption of products to calculate lifetime product emissions. To accurately convert energy consumption to emissions, GEMS considers International Energy Agency (IEA) provided emissions factors and a product lifetime of 10 years. In 2019, data quality improved to a point where over 90% of the energy and water attributes come from published or reputable internal sources.
GEMS covers over 250 million products produced since 2016 and their emissions, providing essential data to encourage innovation around energy and water efficiency. For example, we are able to track changes and demographic trends in our regions and build product innovations to meet those trends. A growing middle class globally means there is a larger demand for our products, and we must meet this demand while reducing our impact on limited natural resources. Similarly, as we ship more products, our absolute emissions may grow, making it even more critical that we use innovation to meet demand while lowering emissions.
The development of GEMS was so successful that, in 2019, it was integrated into a broader program called the Sustainability Analytics Global Ecosystem (SAGE). SAGE is a platform for the systems we use for environmental stewardship, including GEMS and three other programs: a system for tracking Eco-Fees, a program for Critical Materials Management, and a tool to calculate emissions related to potential carbon credits. With the integration of GEMS into SAGE, we can now deploy solutions to more complex data problems and enable more long-term and data-driven decision making.
We have also been partnering with Schneider Electric since 2010, adopting Schneider’s sustainability management platform, Resource Advisor, to monitor and track data across our facilities worldwide. The data collection is consistent and accurate, including metrics related to waste, water, energy, and plant emissions. Global sites use Resource Advisor to report environmental data in a centralized system, compare key performance indicators with other sites, and review all data from previous years. Our decade-long relationship with Schneider Electric has led to continuous system improvements and sharing of key insights that can better optimize the data to meet our sustainability goals.