I made a lifestyle change that I could keep.
I traveled a lot for work and ate whatever I wanted and did not make healthy choices or take advantage of exercise equipment. I gained 25 lbs. in 3 years.
When getting physical and bio-metric screening in 2014, my Dr. informed me she was going to have to put me on medicine to get my triglycerides down as they were reaching unacceptable levels. I was already on cholesterol medicine. Dr. told me that I needed to lose weight and start taking better care of myself and that she was giving me some time to do this before she put me on medicines.
On January 2, 2015 I started my journey. I did not go on a diet, I wanted to do something that I could maintain going forward, so I started watching calories, fat and carbs (for the triglycerides) and tracking them daily. I also started to gradually introduce exercise to my weekly routine, even when traveling. It was tough due to the fact that I got tired easily, I was not flexible or coordinated and things started hurting. But, I pressed forward.
When I visited my Dr. later that year she informed me that I succeeded in controlling my triglycerides and she no longer needed to put me on medicine! She additionally stated if I continued to improve, that she may also be able to remove me from cholesterol medicine. I had lost 30 lbs. and cut my pant size in half. I ran my first 5K this past Thanksgiving with my sister and continue to run, work out and monitor my calories, fat and carbs. My children, sisters, family and friends are so proud of me and make me feel good by acknowledging my accomplishment. They have been my biggest supporters through all of this. My daughters taught me, showed me and introduced me to different stretches, exercises, tips for running & 10 minute video workouts, etc. My husband encouraged me to make my health my priority and ate many evening meals alone while I followed my workout routine. My sister provided me with an old treadmill to get me started. WP Healthworks requirements (screenings/health assessments) are what highlighted the issue and reflect the results.
I honestly did not think I could do it, especially when I started I could not even walk at a rapid pace without my knees hurting or getting out of breath. Once I saw and felt the weight coming off, it was the motivation to keep going. I proved to myself that it can be done. It is a great feeling of accomplishment. I feel fantastic and better than I have felt in years! I turned 50 in October and am ready to live the next 50! Make it a lifestyle change so you can maintain your health and not rebound back. It’s your program, do what works for you!
Patricia Davis, Benton Harbor, MI
March 21, 2016