After the death of loved ones, I made up my mind that if I wanted to get healthy lifestyle, I couldn’t just talk about it, I had to do something.
Culturally, my family has always had a tradition of eating things not good for us. I like it, but over time, some of the foods I’ve always eaten can take a toll on you. After the health-related deaths of three loved ones, my mother, husband, and brother, within twelve months, I decided to make a lifestyle change.
My daughters inspired me to take this step and my health coach started me on healthy smoothies, with kale and almond milk. Having a good health coach really inspired me. I thought “with Whirlpool taking a vested interest in health, why shouldn’t I take advantage of it?” I feel like a role model at work, and if I preach good health to all the employees, I feel like I should live it too.
You have a better fighting chance of helping others if you take care of yourself and others can see the transformation. I’m thankful for corporate seeing the need. I’m thankful for the health coaches, past and present. There has to be an investment and it absolutely helps.
I feel good. You can always keep improving. I want to be able to embrace change. I am learning because I am still on a journey. But now, I have the energy to help others. I laugh a lot, I smile a lot, and sometimes I cry. Take the challenge. Take the plunge. If you never try, how will you ever know? It is not about making fast steps. I always say the race is not given to the swift, but he who endures it. It is about being constant, a balance. You keep going, keep moving.
Brenda Homes, Marion, OH
March 29, 2016